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Lebanon's Hezbollah launches attacks targeting Israeli positions: statement

Time:2024-06-04 01:12:15 Source:sportViews(143)

Lebanese militant group Hezbollah said on Tuesday that it launched a drone attack targeting positions in the Israeli northern city of Acre, in retaliation to the killing of one of its officials in Israeli airstrikes.

According to a statement, Hezbollah said that its fighters launched a drone attack targeting the Israeli command headquarters of the Golani Brigade and the headquarters of the Egoz Unit in the Israeli city of Acre.

There were no immediate reports of any casualties or comments from the Israeli side yet.

A Hezbollah official was killed on Tuesday in an Israeli airstrike in southern Lebanon's Abu Al-Aswad region, Lebanese military sources told Xinhua.

The sources, who spoke anonymously, said that an Israeli drone fired two missiles at a civilian car that was driving on the road connecting the coastal town of Adloun and Abu Al-Aswad, south of the city of Sidon, burning the vehicle and killing its driver.

The killed man was identified as Hassan Ali Azqul, an engineer from the town of Qalawi in southern Lebanon, and a local military official in Hezbollah.

According to the sources, Israeli warplanes launched seven air strikes in Birket Jabbour, Aaichiyeh, Al- Rehan in the Jezzine region.

Meanwhile, Hezbollah said its fighters attacked three Israeli sites in the Shebaa Farms and two other sites facing the central sector of southern Lebanon.

Tensions along the Lebanon-Israel border escalated on Oct. 8, 2023, following a barrage of rockets launched by Hezbollah toward Israel in solidarity with Hamas' attack on Israel the day before. Israel then retaliated by firing heavy artillery toward southeastern Lebanon. 

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